Friday, December 19, 2008

How to a Quick Twist Out On Natural Hair

How to a Quick Twist Out On Natural Hair
If you have natural hair you may love the fullness and curl definition that a twist out provides. However, as your hair grows in thicker and longer, it will take longer to twist your hair in individual twists. Here are a few quick tips to help you achieve a great twist out in under twenty minutes.

Things You’ll Need:

* Wide tooth shower comb
* Deep conditioner
* 15 minutes to twist your hair
* Hair dryer, or air dry overnight

Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Things You’ll Need:

* Wide tooth shower comb
* Deep conditioner
* 15 minutes to twist your hair
* Hair dryer, or air dry overnight

Start by deep conditioning your hair. Place your hair into sections and comb through in the shower with a kcutter, bone comb, detangling comb, or shower comb. Immediately plat each section after untangling it in the shower.

Towel dry your hair. Apply a light oil or your favorite shine serum. If your hair is in four sections take one section down at a time. Make each section into two sections. Apply a holding alcohol free product that will provide definition. Great products that may work are Miss Jessie's curly pudding, Miss Jessie's curly butter cream, IC Frizz busters gel, or any other product that provides hold without drying your hair out. Work this product in your hair from root to tip. Go over it a few times, smoothing in the product into your hair.

Separate that section of hair that is full of product and start to twist at the base of your scalp. After twisting; twist the twist around itself into a bantu knot. Repeat this process. If you have medium length hair that is 6 inches or longer you can achieve this style with 8 to 12 knots.

Allow your hair to dry completely before taking the knots out. Use a hooded dryer or air dry overnight. Re twist your hair every other night and sleep in a satin scarf for this style to last all week. With practice and starting with clean hair this style can take ten to fifteen minutes to twist and five minutes to fluff and style.


How to Make Nail Polish Last Longer

Keep your nails looking fresh and pretty with these simple, easy ways to make nail polish last longer


Things You’ll Need:

* Nail Polish
* Clear Coat
* Nail File
* Clippers
* Soap
* Water
* Nail Polish Remover (if applicable)


Make Nail Polish Last Longer Make Nail Polish Last Longer A CLEAN START. To make nail polish last longer, you must make sure the polish has a clean, dry surface to attach to. First, remove all old nail polish from your nails, if applicable. Make sure it is completely removed or your new nail polish will not last. Next, soak your hands in warm, soapy water, then scrub gently with a cloth to remove chemical and moisture residue. Allow your hands to dry completely.

Make Nail Polish Last Longer Make Nail Polish Last Longer REMOVE SNAGS AND CRACKS. Make sure the nails, themselves, are in tip top condition. Clip your nails down as far as is comfortable and necessary to achieve a uniform length and strong nail base. Next, file away any potential snags. Even a tiny ridge at the tip of a fingernail can compromise a manicure, and result in chipping.

Make Nail Polish Last Longer Make Nail Polish Last Longer APPLY BASE COAT. A Base Coat provides an ideal surface for nail polish to adhere to. This step is optional, but recommended. Applying a thin base coat to your nails will make you nail polish last longer and look smoother. Dry for 15 minutes, or according to instructions.

Make Nail Polish Last Longer Make Nail Polish Last Longer APPLY POLISH. Applying polish can be tricky. Applying too little at once will result in excessive coats that will leave the nail polish weak and flaky. Too much nail polish at once will interfere with proper drying, which can lead to ripples and peeling. Try to apply just enough to cover the nail without showing brush strokes. If you do not achieve the desired color, move on to the next step.

DRY AFTER EACH COAT. Each coat of nail polish should be given at least 15 minutes to air dry before another is applied, or a top coat is applied. It is absolutely essential your nails dry completely at ever step of the process. Do not cheat yourself of drying time if you want to make nail polish last longer. If nails aren't dry within 20 minutes, you have likely applied too much polish at once or you have applied too many coats too quickly.

CLEAR COAT. Apply a top coat, or clear coat, when your nails are completely dry. To help make sure your nails have dried completely, try applying the final coat of polish half an hour before bed time, and then apply the top coat in the morning.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

get great skin with these snacks

By eating the following, you can also improve your skin complexion

Things You’ll Need:

* Eggs
* Walnuts/Pistachios
* Dark Chocolate
* Berries
* Sweet potatoes

Eat eggs- protein promotes the growth of collagen and skin's resilience

Eat walnuts and pistachios which are rich in omega-3 fatty acid, which help skin form natural oil and absorb water from the air

Eat dark chocolate-the chocolate antioxidant protect against collagen damages

Eat strawberries, blueberries and all the berries. They are filled with vitamin C which help fight skin-cancer causing free radicals

Sweet potatoes- these are filled with Vitamin A, which helps get rid of skin dullness


Get Free Wal-Mart Stuff

Wal*Mart is a favorite among consumers everywhere! This store specializes in many different products and services that make it quite appealing. You can find products ranging from apparel to video games, and everything in between. The individuals who market and produce these stores know and understand the importance of allowing consumers to test products prior to purchase. In an effort to assist customers in making purchases that they can be content with, the online website of Wal*Mart now offers a variety of free products to shoppers. Here, I will share with you the steps that are necessary to get free Wal*Mart stuff. If you like freebies, or small samples, you will love this!

Step 1
The very first thing that you will need to do is be sure that you have a computer with an internet connection. It is also important to ensure that you have an email address, and that you have a standard mailing address. These Wal*Mart freebies must be delivered to an actual, physical address, not a P.O Box.

The next thing that you will need to do is to search for “Wal-Mart” in any major search engine. Google, Yahoo, MSN, Windows Live, and others will pull up the online website. Once you get to the main Wal*Mart website, you will see an overwhelming number of options. Along the top of the screen, you will see a search box. In this search box, you will want to type “Free Samples”. It will return a link that says “Free Samples”, click on this.

Now, you will be permitted to choose any or all free samples that you want. Once you make your choice, you will be instructed to fill out your name, address, and other information.

Submit the form, and keep an eye on the mailbox!


Get Better Skin Without Buying Any Products

You can't get away from the television without someone trying to sell you products that is advertised as the fountain of youth. No matter how much "magic" these creams have, if you don't have the basic skin care rituals down it's just going to take longer for these potion lotions to work. So do yourself and your skin a huge favor

GET ENOUGH SLEEP - When you don't get accrue sleep it shows. So maybe you skipped one night, or skipped a couple hours of shut eye, those hours eventually add up. First your skin will just start to lose its luster and look dull. Then next is wrinkles, pimple and break outs, and your skin will become saggy.

REDUCE YOUR SUGAR INTAKE - I know chocolates are delicious. But imagine every little morsel of chocolate as a big zit on your nose. Try and reduce your sugar intake. Sugar inflames and messes with your natural collagen production.

WEAR HATS OR HAVE AN UMBRELLA HANDY - The sun is one of the most damaging things that can happen to your skin. You do need at least 15 minutes of sun exposure minimum on a daily, but don't go overboard and try and get a year's worth of sun in one day. It's best to wear a hat in conjunction with sunscreen, especially if you know you will be outdoors for an extended period of time.

WEAR SUNGLASSES - Ok this comes in handy when you don't have make-up and instantly you look sleek, but it also helps to shield your eyes and that sensitive skin area around your eyes. You know the crow's feet area! This area is so delicate, it is usually the first place to noticeably wrinkle.

AVOID SMOKING - You know what makes you look older faster than the harmful effects of the sun? Smoking! Speeding up that aging process even faster. You've seen those people inhaling those cigarettes and you guess their age. 45 you think and then they tell you they're 23! Just kidding, but not. Seriously this does horrendous things to your face.

BE PREPARED FOR WINDY OR COLD CLIMATES - These sort of climates dry out your skin, so be prepared with the proper clothing. If your skin starts drying, even simple moisturizers or lotions will help. My mom swears by Vaseline, just straight Vaseline, that yellowish clear tub. She has amazing skin! I wonder if she bathes in it when no one is home.

AVOID TANNING BOOTHS - Tanning booths are basically you baking your skin. It will take its toll, and you'll have nasty looking leathery seamen's skin if you continue to go to the tanning booths on a regular basis. Imagine baked chicken, can you unbake it? It takes a long time for our skin to undo that damage, if it ever does.

PINKIE PAT - If you do put anything on your face, the gentlest way it to pat it with your pinkie.

STOP RUBBING YOUR DIRTY GRUBBY PAWS ALL OVER YOUR FACE - I am so bad at this. When I'm shocked I slap my cheeks with my hands. I run my palms all along my face when I am exhausted. Like the pinkie pat, be gentle with your face. Our hands come in contacts with so much dirt and germs and we are just transferring it all over our absorbent face.

ICE ICE BABY - If you have puffy skin use cold. Cold naturally brings down puffiness. Ice or something cold against your face will help. Cucumbers have that effect, it soothes your eyes because it brings this refreshing cool sensation to your face. You can even get a cold washcloth to reduce swelling.

It's always nice not to pay for something, but if you do invest in expensive lotions or creams, make sure you also follow these tips, it will make your skin care routine even more effective. Remember products don't have to be expensive to work. Know your skin and what works well with it. You only have this one beautiful face. Don't assume buying products will miraculously fix things. Prevent bad skin before it starts!


Get an Airbrush Tattoo

An airbrush tattoo is a temporary form of tattooing your body. This method is ideal for people that only want a tattoo for a short while and want to make an impression at a party or club. You can pick out a small area on your body to get an airbrush tattoo or get your entire body temporarily tattooed.

Find a facility that does airbrush tattoos. Some tattoo shops and other specialty shops will have airbrushing capabilities.

Pick out a design. The facility will have a catalog of the airbrush designs that they offer. Look through the catalog and find the design that most appeals to you.

Allow the tattoo artist to transfer the design in black ink onto your skin. This stenciled design provides the outline for the tattoo.

Permit the airbrushing professional to color in the design using an airbrush sprayer and your chosen colors.

Get a home kit. If you feel that you can give yourself an airbrush tattoo, you can purchase a kit that gives you the supplies to tattoo your body at home. The kit by Body Art includes stencils, an airbrush sprayer and body art paint.


Get a Salon-Quality Blow-Out at Home

There's nothing like a smooth, sleek salon blow-out from your hairstylist. You can get the look at home by following these steps, even if you have curly hair.

Things You’ll Need:

* Ionic blow dryer
* Paddle or round brush
* Smoothing serum
* Hair clips

Wash your hair and towel-dry it by pressing the towel into the hair. Do not rub.

Comb the hair with a wide-toothed comb and part it where desired. Work in a small amount of smoothing serum or leave-in conditioning oil. For shoulder-length hair, a quarter-sized amount should do. Use a bit more for longer hair. Concentrate the oil on the shaft and ends of the hair.

Hair dryer with concentrator attachment Use the comb to divide hair into three or four sections on top, clipping each section to the head. The underneath layers will be exposed. Using a blow-dryer with a concentrator attachment and ionic feature for best results, grasp the first underneath section of hair in a paddle brush or large round brush. A paddle brush will yield straighter results; a round brush yields more bend and body.

Dry the section of hair from root to tip having the dryer head very close to the hair. Aim the air downward in the direction of the hair cuticle, from root to tip. When the section is dry, hit the cool shot button on the dryer and quickly cool the hair.

When the underneath layers are dry, unclip one upper section of hair and dry it in the same manner. Repeat until all the sections are dry. Brush hair lightly and finish with a light spritz of humidity-sealing hairspray.


get a perfect sunless tan

Things You’ll Need:

* Exfoliater
* Sunless Tanning Lotion
* Light moisturizer

One of the best things that you can do to get a perfect tan is to exfoliate the skin first. This is best done before your shower by using an exfoliating scrub or body polisher on dry skin. Follow the link below for a great body polishing recipe that you can make at home.

Next shower using your regular soap or body wash. Rinse and dry.

Apply sunless tanning cream. Use extra caution around rough skin areas like elbows and knees. Use less product on the inner parts of your arms and wrists as this is an area that can streak and turn orange very easily. Rub the lotion in completely. Wash hands and inner wrists immediately. Pay close attention to wash between the fingers!

Perfect! Next apply a light moisturize to your entire body. This works to help even out and blend the tanner. Wash hands again. In a few hours you will have perfect tan!


Get a Longer Layer Cut with Blonde on Blonde Highlights

Ryan Hansen has a very modern and sexy hairstyle. The question is, how does the average person achieve this look? Follow the suggestions below to get this look for your hair.

Things You’ll Need:

* Hairstylist
* Scissors
* Texturizing shears or a razor
* Texturizing cream
* Highlighter kit
* Medium blond hair color or natural base color
* Picture of this look
The Cut

The hair must be below the ears with moderately long layers in order to achieve this look.

The hair should be at least 3 to 4 inches all over. If it is not, then it should be trimmed every 8 weeks approximately an 1/8 of an inch until the desired length is reached.

A stylist will be needed to cut your hair in this manner. Find a good stylist and take her the picture above or one that you find that gives you the desired look.

Your stylist should cut the hair into 3- to 4-inch layers all over the head.

The bang should be left approximately 2 inches below the eyebrow.

The sides should not be completely blended with the bang, but overextended to create the illusion of unevenness.

The entire head should be "chipped" into on the ends.

When the cut is complete, the whole head of hair should be texturized, especially the face framing portion, to give the ends a fringy effect.

When the cut is complete, if hair is curly, flat iron it, then rub a small amount of texture cream into your palms and apply to the hair.

To achieve the separated effect, pull pieces that have texturizing cream on them through individual sections of your hair using your thumb and index finger to give definition.

If your hair is straight, skip the flat iron and move straight to the texturizing step.

The Color and Highlights

To achieve the look even on shorter hair, it is necessary to have a medium blond to dark blond-neutral base color. This is a color that is applied to the whole head. If the natural color is already a medium to dark blond (level 6 or 7) color, then this step can be skipped.

Mix the color you have chosen, which should be a neutral level 6 or 7, and either medium or dark blond. A darker blond will appear darker when first applied, but highlights will stand out more clearly on this color.

Do a patch test. After the color is mixed, apply a pea-sized drop to the inside of your arm. Wait for at least 15 minutes. If there is an allergy, it will become obvious when the arm turns bright red and itches or burns. It is pretty common to have a mild itching or burning, but anything more than a mild reaction indicates an allergy and you should not continue with the base color. Because the lightener does not touch the scalp, it may be possible to do the highlighting, but proceed with caution.

To ensure optimal results, do a strand test. This is done by taking one section of hair that includes about 20 or so individual hairs and applying the color. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes. After it is rubbed off with soap and a towel, check the results. If they match the medium to dark blond base color Ryan Hansen has in the picture, continue application on the entire head.

Color is mixed according to instructions and applied to the entire head. It is not necessary to do the root first, since the whole head will be covered. Leave on for at least 25 minutes. If there is any burning, remove immediately as that may indicate an allergic reaction. Make sure the hair is saturated completely and no spots have been missed.

Next, the hair is either heavily foil-highlighted at a hair salon by a licensed stylist, or it is cap-highlighted at home. Take Ryan Hansen's picture to a stylist so that you can be sure to get the right results.

If you choose a home cap-highlighting kit, then they can be picked up at any regular drugstore. The below steps will guide you in the process for home highlighting.

The hair is brushed into the desired style and left completely dry.

The cap is put on the head and tied tightly under the chin.

The hair is pulled in the direction of hair growth through the cap in a very even pattern. In this case every hole in the cap would be used.

The hair that is pulled through the cap is then brushed or combed to remove all knots.

After the hair is pulled through the cap, the mixture provided in the kit is applied to all the hair. The consistency of the mixture should not be too runny, as you do not want it to bleed through the holes in the cap.

After the mixture is applied to the hair, it should stay on until the color attained has as little red and gold as possible. This can take quite awhile.

The mixture should be wiped off with a towel about halfway through the process to check the color.

If it is not the desired color, then more mixture is applied and it is allowed to stay on longer.

Once the desired color is achieved, rinse and shampoo the lightener off with the cap still on. Then remove the cap and shampoo, rinse and condition.


Get a healthy tan

No tan is a healthy tan, unless that is if it's fake. A real tan is just your skins response to the UV rays, and is a way of your body protecting yourself from them. Why not try something healthy and get a fake tan!

Things You’ll Need:

* spray tanning facility
* self tanners

If you want to go the easy route try a spray tanner. Check out a couple different facilities and the outcomes before you pick one. Some spray tanners will turn you orange and I know you don't want to look like an oompa loompa.

You could also try a self tanner. Most of these you can find in a drugstore or wal-mart. Like Jergens express glow, which only takes 3 days to give you a noticeably darker appearance. Make sure you get the facial tanners too!

If spray tanning and self tanners don't suit you, try being your natural shade. Nothing is more attractive than a person that is comfortable in their own skin!


Get a French Manicure at home

Soak your hands in warm water for 3 minutes

Then put lotion on your hands and arms

File your nails so that the tips are smooth and round

After filing soak your hands in warm water for 30 seconds and then dry completely

Apply the clear base coat polish

Use a pale shade as the nailpolish. Apply 2 coats and let dry

Paint the white tip of the nail with an opaque white polish and let dry

Apply the clear top coat to finish and let dry


Friday, October 17, 2008

Exfoliate your skin with items in your kitchen.

You don't have to spend a lot of money to get a really good exfoliator. In fact, you probably have all of the ingredients in your own kitchen! I'll teach you how to make a brown sugar (and then some) exfoliator, it's quick and easy! =O) :D

You can use any size plastic container or glass jar that you want… for the sake of this tutorial, let’s just say you used a small Tupperware container.

Fill half of the container with brown sugar (make sure it’s grinded well, no chunks).

Add 1 teaspoon of sea salt (I like sea salt because it’s chunkier and works great to get rid of dead skin).

Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the container.

Pour in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Add about 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the mixture and mix well.

If it has too much of a creamy consistency, then pour in some more brown sugar and mix until you reach the desired texture.

The end result: The mixture shouldn’t be too rough but it should still have a grainy texture… (I hope that made sense!) =O)

Dampen face with warm water, lather your face with the brown sugar exfoliator (in gentle, upward-circular motions), rinse face clean, and pat your face dry (remember... never rub, always pat). Good Luck Everyone!


Exfoliate Your Lips With A Mint Sugar Scrub

Cooler weather can wreak havoc on your lips. Don't let chapped, flaky lips make you less kissable. Try this sweet little scrub that's guaranteed to soften and exfoliate your lips.

Mix together one quarter cup sugar, peppermint oil, 1 tablespoon honey, and 1 tablespoon olive oil. Add a little water, enough to make a paste.

Hold a warm, wet washcloth over lips for a few minutes, to soften dead skin. Rub a small amount of the scrub over lips using gentle, circular motion. Rub for about a minute, but not long enough to irritate.

Rinse off the scrub with the warm, wet washcloth. Follow up with your favorite chap stick.


How to exfoliate your lips

Hate those little lines on your lips that usually stand out whenever you apply lipstick. If so, you probably aren't bothering to exfoliate your lips. Here's a quick and easy way to diminish those lines for smooth lips.

Take a teaspoon of sugar and add a drop of water

In a circular motion gently massage sugar onto lips for 2 minutes

Rinse sugar off thoroughly with a warm towel

Apply baby oil to entire lip surface. Leave on for 10 minutes. Remove with warm towel.

Apply your favorite lipstick/ lipgloss.


Eliminate Split Ends in African American Hair

African Americans have a particular problem with split ends. The hair tends to dry out faster and constant styling and heat appliances wear down the hair shaft, causing the ends to split. You don’t have to live with this. Here's how to eliminate split ends

Trim the ends of the hair to eliminate split ends. While you can eliminate the appearance of split ends, the best way to keep African American hair from fraying is to clip off the ends. You don’t have to trim a lot, only about ¼ inch. You don’t even need a hairstylist to do this. ust run sections of hair through your fingers exposing the tips and cut them off.

Deep condition. African American hair needs extra conditioner to eliminate split ends. Cholesterol conditioner is a good tried and true product for moisturizing African American hair. It's a bit messy, but it works.

Use the proper combs on African American hair. Small tooth combs will fray African American hair and cause more split ends. Use a wide-toothed comb and keep a small-toothed comb handy for taking out small knots and snarls. Avoid cheap combs as the edges on the teeth will snag the hair causing more split ends.

Use less heat on African American hair to eliminate split ends. Excessive use of heat appliances will dry out the hair and cause more damage and splitting. If you have to put a heat appliance in your hair, use a heat protection product with it.

The pillow is another enemy of African American hair. To prevent damaging the hair from friction on the pillow, use a satin pillowcase or a silk sleeping cap.


Eliminate Razor Bumps for African American Men

Razor bumps can be a particular problem for African American men. They are most commonly found on the face, but can also be found anywhere that you shave, including the back of the neck. They are the result of ingrown hairs causing inflammation on the skin. Not only are razor bumps uncomfortable, but they also can be quite unsightly. Fortunately, you can eliminate razor bumps.

Exfoliate your skin regularly. Dead skin can block your pores, which can increase your razor bumps. Use a facial scrub or mask at least once a week.

Change your shaving habits to eliminate razor bumps. Shave after a hot shower when your skin is its softest. If it is possible to shave while in the shower, do that. Always shave with the grain of the hair. Do not put too much pressure on your face when shaving.

Change your shaving products. Use a glycerin based shaving cream or soap. Do not use anything that numbs the skin or with menthol, as this tightens pores. Edge Active Care Shave Gel is one of several products that you can use.

Consider a depilatory shaving solution. If you don’t use a razor, you won’t have razor bumps. The most popular product is Magic Blue (or Gold) Depilatory Shaving Powder. It is a crème that softens the hair enough for you to remove it with a dull edge such as the back of a butter knife.

Use products designed to eliminate razor bumps. There are several products made for African Americans that you can apply to your face after shaving that will help heal and eliminate razor bumps. Bump stopper is a cream that soothes the skin and eliminates razor bumps. It is very effective. Tend Skin and Imperial Touch are also products that help eliminate razor bumps. Finding the right product for you is a matter of trial and error, but just about any of these products will have some degree of success.


Eliminate Creasing in Your Eyeshadow

Having trouble keeping your eye shadow on during this hot summer season? Want to know how to stop that creasing in your eyeshadow? Have oily skin and need help keeping that eye make-up on during the day? Here are some steps you can take that will help keep that eye make-up fresh looking.

First, apply an even layer of foundation/base to the eyelid.

Next, cover eyelid with the loose face powder.

Then apply ample amounts of eye shadow. Avoid the liquid and cream formulas because they may increase oilyness and we don't want that. However, if you do use these types cover them with a little face powder and apply a powder shadow over top.

Then put on all other eye make-up; including mascara, and eyeliner.

Finally, enjoy your new look without creases.


Effectively use your cologne

WIth the right cologne, find out the 6 secret spots on the body when sprayed will attract women and drive them crazy for the right reasons and be sure to receive compliments 24/7.

Spray the back of your ears.
Give a hug and see what'll happen!

Spray the chest/neck area (where chest meets neck)
Great results when slow dancing!!

Spray the outer part of your arm or outer bicep area. (Brachialis)
Go for a light stroll with her and make sure is holding your arm.

Spray inner forearm area.
Ideal for when trying to put your arm around her shoulders.

Spray wrists.
Talk with your hands!!

Spray behind knees.
This area will set everything up!!


Effectively organize your wardrobe

Take a look around. Couldn't you use a little organization in your life? Wouldn't you love if your closet looked like a Rubbermaid ad instead of Mount Kilimanjaro? Take just a few minutes and you'll be on your way..

If you don't have a lot of room, roll your clothing. It is unbelievable how many garments you can squeeze in a small area by rolling. Seriously, you'll be amazed!

Hang pants and skirts on hangers with clasps. You will be utilizing vertical space this way and not horizontal space.

Group all of your clothes in subgroups and place accordingly. For example, put all of your gym clothes in one drawer or container. Use one set place in the closet for all of your work clothes, etc. By organizing this way, you only have to go to one spot to dress for whatever event you are attending.

You can also organize by color. Subdivide all of your clothes into individual colors. This makes dressing a flash because everything is easily accessible (and findable!).

One last (and fast!) way to organize is to separate into outfits. Go ahead! Put all of those cute outfits together and store them with their perfect match. Talk about a breeze getting ready in the morning!


Eat right for healthy hair

Great nutrition is the most effective way of getting awesome hair. Shiny, healthy hair is a reflection of a healthy body. Just like your body, your hair needs a balanced, nutritious diet to stay healthy. So follow this recipe for healthier hair, and see the difference.

WATER - Water makes up one-fourth of the weight of a strand of hair. Moisture makes the hair supple, so it is important to get plenty of fluids. The main thing to consider is not to wait till you are thirsty. If you're thirsty, it means your body has already lost more water than it should have, and it's urging you to fill up the tank. Water not only hydrates your body, but also keeps your hair silky and shiny. Approximately, eight to ten glasses of water a day is must.

PROTEIN - Protein is also very helpful for your hair, so there should be awfully a lot of protein in your diet. Protein will give the shaft of your hair more strength, and will reduce the hair split. You can get protein from foods like fish, meat, milk, cheese and cereals.

1) IRON - Iron helps to carry oxygen to the hair. Without enough iron, hair and its follicles get starved of oxygen. This means coarse and dry hair. You can increase your iron intake by eating red meat and dark green vegetables, or by iron supplements.

2)ZINC - Zinc builds hair protein which helps to prevent hair loss. Meat and seafood are the foods highest in zinc.

3)COPPER - Copper is involved in the pigmentation of hair. You can optimize your natural color with a diet with plenty of copper. Shellfish, liver, fresh vegetables, nuts, seeds and meat are all high in copper.


Vit A - Vitamin A will give you a healthy scalp, because it's great for the skin! You can get vitamin A from foods like vegetables - in particular, in carrots.

Vit B & C- Vitamin B and C are important for good circulation, hair growth and hair color. If you ensure that you have enough vitamin B and C, you'll have strong, supple strands of hair that do not split. You can get these vitamins from eating foods like fruit, vegetables, cereals, eggs, milk and bread.

Try these tipd and be sure to add a dose of daily exercise to keep that blood pumping… that add proper hair care on the surface! Go ahead! Try it!


Dress like Angelina Jolie

Looking like Angelina is hard. Dressing like Angelina is EASY! Angelina Jolie is one of the hottest actresses/Goodwill Ambassadors around! But her fashion style is easy to copy with my simple tips.

Angelina loves these three colors: black, gray and white. With that very basic color palette she manages to look astounding. It's all in the fit and quality of her items. Black skinny jeans and a tailored shirt. A soft gray cashmere sweater and white slacks. This is not your run of the mill wardrobe!

Remember Angie and Zahara's matching white Valentino handbags? How adorable. Another key element to the Angelina look is a beautiful, big functional handbag. She travels the world, she needs a bag that is up to the challenge with pockets and comfortable straps. Don't buy ten million crazy handbags (like I do, I'm bad) and opt for one leather bag in a neutral color that does the job of a million inferior bags.

Leather! Or as Stella from Project Runway would say "letha" is high on Angie's shopping list of clothes. Her wild look has tamed every so slightly (kids will do that to you) but she still rocks a fierce leather jacket and honestly who else can wear a black leather gown to an awards show but her?

Aviator shades. Again, her face is just made for these frames. When I want to feel like a bad ass, Brad Pitt loving peace keeper I throw on my own aviators and pretend Brad lent them to me too.

Angie's too cool to be uncomfortable. I usually only see her tetering in heels for movie rolls or awards shows. Besides that, she wears a lot of black ballet flats.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Disguise Abdominal Bloating

No matter what weight you are, abdominal bloating is unattractive, is uncomfortable and may make it difficult to fit into ones clothing. Whether you're rail thin or have a bit of extra padding, there is no reason to show the world your belly. Additionally, some clothing and foods will accentuate the problem—depending on the cause. Read on for tips on how to disguise abdominal bloating and minimize its effects.

Address the cause of the abdominal bloating if possible but do not risk your health to look a few pounds lighter. While a one-time use of a diuretic may not hurt and help you fit into a special occasion dress, frequent or regular use can cause mineral depletion and other imbalances. If gas is the culprit, consult with your physician about diet and gas-relieving remedies that may be safely taken.

Eliminate or reduce sodium, carbonated beverages and sugary drinks from your diet whether your bloating is caused by your menstrual period or intestinal irregularity. Depending on the cause, and your general health, you may wish to cut back on fiber and lactose or milk as well as any known offenders in your diet which produce gas.

Wear hip huggers rather than waist-cut jeans or low-riders to best disguise abdominal bloating. This creates an illusion of a smaller stomach, whereas the other styles actually accentuate a puffy tummy. The alternative is pants or skirts with a loose-fitting waist.

Wear tops that flow from the waist or above. If you detest the sloppy look of T-shirts this makes for an attractive option. If this style does not suit you, or is unavailable, you can wear a belt around your waist and gather the bottom of the shirt at your sides.

Wear pants or skirts in dark solid colors or with vertical pin-stripes to slim the body line. This helps both to disguise abdominal bloating and weight gain.

Consider a vest, cardigan, or blazer depending on your style and the weather. Layers are an effective way to draw the eye away from ones stomach.

Enhance your looks from your chest up so that few will be looking at your pouch. An attractive neckline, attention-getting jewelry, scarves, a pleasing hairstyle and makeup will have you feeling good about how you look as well as work to disguise abdominal bloating.


Develop Personal Style

How can someone develop their own personal style? Here are a few steps you can take toward creating that individual look that you want. Your clothes are a way of expressing yourself so do it properly!

Take an assessment of your overall current style, deciding if you are traditional, modern, fashion-forward, casual, hippie natural, etc.

Determine what you are trying to accomplish with your signature style - to be more memorable, develop an always chic look or have more fun with fashion.

Study famous tastemakers -- for example Karl Lagerfeld with his ponytail! Don't hesitate to imitate a look and make it your own, making sure it fits into your current style and personality.

Decide what you would be most comfortable changing -- your hair, wardrobe colors or accessories.

If you're choosing a striking new hairstyle or color, try the new look in stages to see how it works.

If you are choosing a bold new wardrobe color, start by incorporating it as a shirt, tie or scarf color to see how well it works for you.

Relying on accessories -- sunglasses, big pins, bright hosiery or vintage handbags -- is a safe, easy and inexpensive way to start a personalized look.

Experiment and alter your signature style piece as you grow more confident.
Once you have the groove of your signature look, be sure to change your supporting wardrobe frequently enough so that you don't look the same everyday.


Determine Your Size in a Sewing Pattern

Sewing pattern sizing is different from off-the-rack sizing. So forget about what size you buy in the store and start making clothes that actually fit!

Measure yourself, or better yet, have a friend help you. Wear normal undergarments and measure your bust at its fullest part, waist, and hips. These are three key areas for choosing your pattern size, although many more specific measurements may be used later to customize the fit of your sewn garment.

If you are larger than a B cup, also measure your high bust. Place the tape measure just under your armpits and measure your upper chest. For the purposes of choosing a pattern size, this is your bust measurement.

Bust, waist, and hip are stated in inches. The black bar above states the corresponding size. Write down your measurements on a card that you can keep in your purse so that it's handy when you are pattern shopping. Look at the back of the pattern envelope, usually on the top flap, and find a chart with measurements and corresponding sizes.

If choosing a pattern for a dress, blouse, shirt, or top, follow your bust measurement (for B cup and smaller) or your high bust measurement (for C cup and larger). If you have a C cup or larger and choose the pattern based on your bust measurement, the garment will be too big in the shoulders and torso. You must choose based on the high bust measurement and later do a full bust adjustment before cutting the fabric.

For example, someone with a bust measurement of 36", a D cup, and a high bust measurement of 32" would choose size 10 from the sample pattern above. Someone with a bust measurement of 36" and a B cup would choose size 14.

If choosing a pattern for pants or a skirt, follow your waist measurement. Hips are easier to adjust than the waist. In the case of very full pants or full skirts, no adjustment is necessary.

If your measurement falls between numbers, generally you should choose the larger size. Making slight adjustment to the pattern is easier when going a size down than a size up.

choosing the right pattern size


Determine Your Body Shape

Everyone is born with a certain type of body shape that no amount of dieting and exercise is ever going to change. Use the following tips to determine your body shape. This knowledge can help you determine which clothes are the most flattering to wear, and it can even help you create a fitness routine that will benefit you the most.

Become aware of the basic body shapes for men and women. Women most commonly fit into the category of pear/spoon, hourglass, apple or ruler. Men are usually categorized as ruler, apple or cone-shaped.

Look at yourself in the mirror. Decide what type of shape you think your figure is.

Take your measurements to provide more accurate information for determining your body shape. It's best to get someone to help you take your measurements since it is difficult to do on your own. Measure the across the middle of your chest (men) or breasts (women), and always exhale before measuring. The waist is measured 1 inch above you belly button, and your hips are measured at the widest spot.

Read your measurements to find out if you're pear-shaped/spoon-shaped. You'll typically be heavier on the bottom compared to the rest of your body, but it does not mean you're fat. A pear-shaped person has a significant difference in the measurement of their hips and chest, but not their chest and waist.

Determine if you're apple-shaped. If you are, then your waist measurements will be significantly larger compared to your hip and chest measurements.

Find out if you're a ruler or a cone. Ruler-shaped people have little difference between the measurements of their chest, waist and hips. Cone-shaped people have chest and waist measurements that are fairly close, but have hips that are about six inches or so smaller than their chests.

See if you're an hourglass. Hourglass-shaped people have chest and hip measurements that are very close to one another, but have a small waist. To be classified as a true hourglass, you waist needs to be at least 6 inches between your waist and chest and your waist and hips.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Care for Leather Boots

You must care for your boots properly to ensure their durability. After returning from an outdoor adventure, follow these suggestions to save your boots from the ravages of rough wear.

Take off your leather boots and remove the laces. Pull out the inner removable liners in the bottom of the boot.

Use a brush to knock off the heavy mud, and then wash the remaining peat and dirt from the outside of the boots with a damp wash cloth or sponge. Too much water can damage leather, so don't spray them off with a water hose or put them under a faucet.

Use leather saddle soap if necessary to remove stubborn dirt. Take care to rinse all soap off after cleaning or it will damage the leather.

Leave the boots out to dry completely, away from any heat source and not in direct sunlight. Heat and sun will cause cracks in the leather. To speed the drying process, stuff the boots with newspaper, and replace the paper as it becomes soaked.

Apply a waterproof coating to the outside of the leather boots once they are thoroughly dry. The coating can be found in most shoe stores. Use light applications and reapply as necessary, rather than putting too-heavy of a layer on. Consult the compound's instructions for tips and warnings.

Store your leather boots in a cool dry place with adequate ventilation until you need them for your next outdoor adventure.


Care for Henna Tattoos

Henna tattoos are a great way to decorate the human body. They are applied for cultural purposes, as well as for enjoyment. They are not permanent, and can be a good determinant of whether or not a person wants a particular permanent tattoo. Regardless of the purpose for getting a henna tattoo, there are some simple steps that should be taken to preserve the tattoo so that it will last as long as possible. Henna tattoos can last anywhere from one to three weeks. The following is a simple guide to caring for a henna tattoo after it has been applied to the skin

Avoid touching or exposing the tattoo to water for at least four hours.

Henna tatoo wrapped up Cover the area around the four-hour old henna tattoo with toilet tissue or facial tissue. Cover or wrap in plastic wrap for up to one day.

Unwrap the tattoo. Remove the henna paste from the skin by pushing it off with your fingernail.

Moisturize the skin with a natural moisturizer. Olive, corn or canola oil, work well, or you can actually purchase a balm or lotion specifically made for henna tattooed skin.

Avoid exfoliating the skin. Take special care to avoid clothing, water or any kind of friction on the area of the body that has been tattooed.

Coat the tattoo with oil prior to swimming or showering.


care for dry skin

Dry skin can be extremely uncomfortable and irritating. Winter months, especially, play a huge factor in creating dry skin. There are ways to care for it though and protect your skin from dryness.

Sometimes the air in our houses can be dried out. Use a humidifier to put more moisture in the air. You'll notice better results with your skin.

Drink more water. Water is great for your skin!

Avoid hot baths and showers. Hot water can dry out your skin like crazy. Try to take cooler baths.

Use moisturizer on your skin before going out into the elements. You will want to protect your skin as much as possible.

Use olive oil when bathing. A tablespoon will do.

Decrease your caffeine intake. Caffeine plays a huge factor in drying out your skin!!!

Always exfoliate your skin. In order to treat dry skin you must first remove the dry particles that are present.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to Be Beautiful

What comes to your mind when you think of beauty?: Countless aisles of foundation and mascara? Pencil thin models in magazines? The long haired blonde in a shampoo and conditioner advertisement? Or do more subtle simpler things manifest? You won't learn how to apply makeup here, but you will discover some real beauty secrets that not even Hollywood can master.

Never Compare: Each one of us is individual and complex in our own way for a reason. That is how we were made to be. So, what sense would it make to compare ourselves with the attributes of others? Know right now that you are unique.

Polish your character: Ever heard of some one having such an ugly soul that it transcends their outer appearance? That just goes to show how much of an impact our kind or terrible demeanor has on our physical aspects. Be loving and kind, have poise, be true to your self and have an over all positive out look.

Smile: It's been proven that people who smile and give off happy vibes attract more people. Make it a habit to smile, even if your day didn't start off so great. You'd be surprised how your facial expressions can rub off on your mood.

Have healthy habits: Since beauty is something that does in fact come from within, it's every part important to take care of your body. Eat nutritional foods, exercise and get adequate amounts of rest. The inner good you do for your self will show in the outer effortlessly.

Zero in on your talents: What are things that you do wonderfully and are good at? Focus and remember them every day. Knowing that you have special skills will do awesome things for your self esteem

Play up the things you love about You: Maximize all the things about your self (within and without) that you especially appreciate. Accentuate what they are, make them known to others around you.

Never criticize: There are always going to be an endless amount of people ready to throw every inch of criticism they have your way. Why should you be that one extra person? Love what you have and be thankful for all of your qualities. Love yourself eternally.


How to Be a Thrift Shop Diva

Do you love beautiful, unique couture clothing, but don't have the budget to shop the boutiques? Satisfy your fashion sense and save big at the same time by spending the afternoon at the thrift shops. With a little imagination and a few spare bucks, you can please your purse AND your inner Diva!

Find out where the moneyed people donate their clothes or consign them (which means they get a percentage of the sale). How? Read the listings in your actual or virtual Yellow Pages, and if you know your area, you'll know at a glance if the shop is worth a try by the neighborhood it's in. (This also applies to open-air thrift shopping: see Things You'll Need, above.) Exceptions are the big organizations that pick up donations all over the city--where I live, it's Disabled Veterans of America, Goodwill, and Salvation Army. You might have to paw through a lot of loser stuff at these giant stores, but there are also plenty of gems.

Map out a route of the places you'll be hitting, and confirm their hours: Some places are closed or have limited hours on certain days. Decide on the best day, and start out early enough to have an extra cup of coffee, use the bathroom, and otherwise make yourself comfortable before you start shopping. Use sunblock and sunglasses if you'll be outdoors a lot. Do bring water along to stay hydrated. Being thirsty can fatigue you and spoil the fun of the hunt.

I once read a tip from a savvy French Diva who wore a leotard, wrap-around skirt, and flats, and her long hair in a chignon, when she shopped the marvelous Parisian flea markets. She could "try on" anything anywhere without looking crazy or mussing her hair. It's a great suggestion if you plan to shop in open-air places. Even if you'll be indoors with private dressing areas, get your hair out of the way and wear easy-on-easy-off attire: the fewer buttons or zippers to deal with, the faster and better you can shop.

The reason you brought along a measuring tape is because you can't always try things on if you're shopping at open-air places. So, having noted your measurements (at least I have to...your memory may be better), you can tell if something will fit properly. Just lay the garment flat, measure the bust, waist, or hips across one side, and double the number to compare it to your own. Some women like things tight. Others want looseness. Measure a few garments you like to wear. What's the excess measurement (if any?). That's how you'll know what to look for. Note it down on your index card.
Shopping for a friend? See Tips, below.

Unlike retailers, thrift shops have no return policy! MAKE SURE IT'S GREAT ON YOU. Otherwise you'll just be throwing away money--and sister, when you start looking at the really good labels, they can cost you a pretty penny even at bargain prices. Be honest with yourself: Do you really have time to hem it? Will it still be a bargain if you have to pay for hemming? You really want to go on a diet just for a dress? Is that stain really not noticeable? Most women, including me, don't have time to embroider flowers over spots or patch on cute contrast fabric. (If you do--more power to you!) Make sure it fits well, looks well, and just plain "works" for you and your closet before you lay down your dough.

A downside of thrift-shopping is that it's hard to find bottom-half essentials--a black skirt, charcoal gray slacks, great-fitting jeans. Most women wear these cornerstones of their wardrobes until they wear them out. But bring your wish list, because you never know. In the meantime, keep a lookout for wonderful top-half garments that will coordinate well with essentials you have or you'll get. One way to make the most of thrift shops is to reverse the typical roles played by top and bottom halves: that is, make the top half neutral, and the bottom half colorful or patterned. You can walk out with wonderful outfits this way.

Unless you're really, really sure you can carry off a lavish hat, a six-foot skinny scarf, or a tribal-woven rug sweater...then leave it for the daring Divas. It's easy to blow a budget on impulses or add-ons that wind up being useless to you. At least, accessorize for an outfit you've already chosen--a scarf at the neck of the sweater, or a belt for the tunic dress. Then the accessory has a place and a purpose in your closet. Of course, I'm not talking about shoes or handbags. They work on their own, unless they're just bizarre. But maybe you it's fine!

I find this a good span of time between shopping days, to mark the change of seasons and bring a little spice into a tired, hard-working wardrobe. But that's just me--shop as little or as much as your budget allows, without becoming compulsive or hoarding. (I'll cover that in a future article!). Enjoy the adventure, and enjoy your cheap and classy finds. I know I do!
P.S. If this article has been helpful to you, please rate it using the stars above, and add a comment if you like. Thanks!


Avoid Looking Too Busty

If your oversized bust makes you feel self-conscious and out-of-proportion, there are ways to improve the situation. Here are methods I've found over the years to dress well with a big bust.

Start with the right foundation. If the breast is spilling out of the bra cup, it results in unwanted lumpiness and bulges. Fortunately now stores, even discount stores, offer more choices in D, F, and larger bra cups. There are lacy ones and basic ones, but try it on and stretch and move in the dressing room to be sure you don't fall out of it.

Take a look at minimizer bras. These redistribute the bust for a slight flattening effect.

Look for V-neck blouses rather than scoop or turtleneck. The vee line breaks up the expanse of cloth across the bust.

Avoid very tight, clingy tops and ones with extreme cleavage. Combined with a big bust, these unintentionally give the look of a hooker. Also avoid very shiny tops like satin which seem to magnify the curves.

A short sleeve broadens the shoulders and brings the bust more into proportion. Bare shoulders and tank tops don't provide that balance, so the bust looks even wider with those.

If there are buttons down the front, be sure the shirt is loose enough that the buttons won't pop out of the buttonhole at awkward moments. Keep a safety pin with you to pin inside a shirt with this problem.

Wearing an open top over a tank top provides vertical lines down the front. Use a contrasting color to get the best effect from this.

Of course, you already know not to wear horizontal strips. These draw the eye across, which emphasizes the width of the bust.

A scarf or long necklace can create a v-neck effect when wearing a plain top. Wearing a chunky necklace draws the focus to that rather than the expanse of the bust. Short, even choker style, is good.


avoid getting pimples

Are you sick of those annoying little pimples that seem to always pop up at the absolute worst times? You've spent all week getting ready for a date, a party or any special occasion. Then it happens! You wake up, look in the mirror and the dreaded pimple is staring you right in the face. You know there's no way to get rid of it so you just try to pile concealer over it and end up making it even more noticeable. The best way to deal with pimples is to stop them before they appear

Wash you face at least 2 times a day. YOu should be washing your face at least every morning when you wake up and every night before bed.I prefer a facial cleanser to soap only because soap can sometimes dry up your skin.
Never go to sleep withmake up on. I know we're all guilty of it. You go out partying with a full face of makeup. You get home exhausted and just throw yourself in bed and your makeup doesn't get washed off until you wake up. This is the absolute worse thing you can do. The makeup will clog your pores and easily cause pimples.
At least twice a week, after cleansing your face, you should use a facial exfoliant. This will help unclog pores and prevent any breakouts. Why do you need to exfoliate? No matter how many times you clean your face, there will always be some trace of dirt and oil that stays lodged in your pores.

Cure Your Acne And Avoid Acne Scars


Apply Sunless Tanning Lotions

With skin cancer rates on the rise, it has become a common practice of mine and many others to use sunless tanning products to create that gorgeous sunless glow. However, one of the keys to looking good, is knowing how to apply the product correctly. Here are a few tips to learn how to apply sunless tanning lotions with good results! Say bye-bye to streaks!

You will first want to prepare your skin for the application before applying sunless tanning lotion. This step involves using an exfoliator for the body. Exfoliating your skin will remove all the dead skin cells from the upper layers of your skin. This will allow for the product to sink into your skin and also work on new skin layers and not dead skin cells, giving you a better "glow".

Now that you have prepared your skin, you want to make sure it is fresh and clean. Follow up your exfoliating with a quick shower or bath and rinse well. Step out and pat skin dry. Don't rub because your skin is more delicate after exfoliating.

Body spone for applying sunless tanning products Read directions on your sunless tanning product. I will refer to this product as being in a lotion formula since most of them are. However, you can purchase other types of applications. Follow directions for your brand of sunless tanning product. For instance, some will say apply in sweeping directions. Another may say apply in circular motion. I have personally had more luck with applying in circular motion.

You may want to use a glove, mitt or sponge for applying product. This prevents the palms of your hands from becoming stained. Use smooth and even strokes when applying. Be sure to rub the product into your skin well and do not miss any areas of skin.

You will want to apply sunless tanning lotion very lightly or avoid entirely the elbows, knees and ankles. The skin is thicker here and it usually causes the sunless tanning product to appear very dark.

Allow the product to dry completely before dressing. This usually takes from 12-20 minutes depending on the brand of sunless tanning product. Dressing too soon can cause your clothing to stain. The same is true for applying sunless tanning lotion and then going to bed. Your bed linens can also become stained from some sunless tanning products.

If you did not use a mitt or glove for applying the sunless tanning product, wash your hands with soap and water to avoid any staining.
Reapply daily until you find the desired shade of sunless "glow" you are looking for. Then you will just have to maintain your sunless glow by applying sunless tanning lotion every 3-4 days. Enjoy your sunless glow!

How To Apply Sunless Tanning Lotion To Your Face

How To Apply Sunless Tanning Lotion To Legs


Apply Self Tanner to the Face

Lying out in the sun to get tanned is not healthy; consequently, people turn to self tanner to get achieve the same look. Most people do not know the proper technique to apply self tanner to their face. When self tanner is applied the wrong way, it can look streaky and orange. Proper application of self tanner will make your face look golden and as though you just came in from the sun.

Wet your face thoroughly and apply a face scrub to it. Gently rub the face scrub around your face in a circular motion. This will remove dead skin cells from your face that will make your self tanner look streaky.

Rinse the face scrub off of your face. Wash your face with a non scrub face wash. This step is important to make sure that all of the scrub is off of your face. If there is any left on your face when you apply your self tanner, it will prevent the tanner from going on smoothly.

Dry your face thoroughly. After your face is dry, you will need to put on the latex gloves. These gloves will protect your hands from the self tanner. Self tanner will stain your hands.

Squeeze a quarter size amount of self tanner into your right gloved hand. Rub your hands together to evenly coat both hands. Starting at your check bones, rub your hands in a gentle motion over all of the skin on your face. At this time it is important to get a single thin layer of self tanner worked into all of the skin.

Place more self tanner into the right gloved hand. Use two fingers from the left hand to apply a second layer of self tanner to your cheekbones and the top of your nose. There are the areas where you would naturally tan. Applying a second layer of self tanner in this area will mimic the authentic look of a tan.

Allow your face to dry completely before the skin touches anything.


Apply Powder and Stippling to Makeup

If you are looking for your makeup to last longer, then stippling your powder is going to give your makeup incredible lasting power. Many professional makeup artists have used this technique for years, but now the everyday women is learning that this technique can be easily executed at home.

Apply a thin layer of a liquid foundation that matches your skin color. Allow the foundation to dry completely before going to the second step.

Take your large brush and dip a couple of times into the loose powder. Tap the brush at least two times onto the lip of the powder to release the excess powder.

Starting at your forehead, stipple or dab the powder in small sections at a time.

Dip the brush into the loose powder, then tap off the excess and continue to stipple the powder onto your eyes so your eyeshadow will have more lasting power.

Dip the brush again into the loose powder and tap the excess off. Now begin to stipple the powder onto both of your cheeks an chin.

Rihanna Make Up Look | How to do Rihanna's Makeup


Friday, September 26, 2008

Apply Jane Iredale Makeup

Jane Iredale provides a wide variety of safe makeup that contains no talc or parabens. Even though mineral makeup may seem intimidating, it doesn't have to be. You can learn to apply Jane Iredale makeup in just a few steps, and before you know it you'll realize that it's quicker and easier than conventional makeup.

Using your favorite facial cleanser, wash and pat dry your face. Then follow with your regular moisturizer.

Apply a thin coat of either Absence (light) or Absence 2 (tan) over any areas that need it, such as oily areas or areas with larger pores.

Next, choose your favorite Jane Iredale pressed or loose powder. Which powder you use will tell you which brush you need. For Amazing Base you should use a chisel powder brush, for PurePressed you should use the Handi brush, and for Camouflage Powders use the flocked sponge.

Lightly dip the brush or sponge into the powder. If you are using a loose powder, then you will need to tap some powder into the lid, but if you are using a pressed powder then you can dip the brush in directly.

Apply the powder in a thin layer using light downward strokes. Do this over your entire face. Jane Iredale's powders are very concentrated, so a little bit will go a long way. If you have oilier skin you can now apply a thin dusting of the Pure Matte Finishing Powder by using the Handi brush.

You are finished with the base makeup and now you can add blush, bronzer, eyeshadow or any other extra color of your choice. When you are finished, if you have drier skin and need extra hydration you can use the D20 Hydration Spray by giving your face a quick spritz or two.

Jane Iredale MakeUp at SOURCE, Bangor


How to Apply Individual Lashes

With so many professional artists and glamorously made-up celebrities using them, false eyelashes may intimidate you. A great way to start wearing them is by trying individual lash clusters. They're not as heavy as the lash strip variety and definitely look more natural. The power to add drama is all in your hands. See for yourself as you attach as many as only you please.

Finish your eye makeup application. Curl lashes and apply mascara. Take out clumps with a lash comb.

Choose where you'd like to place the lashes. You can attach them to only the outer edges of your top lash line, to the middle of your top lash lines outwards or all throughout top lash lines. For fancier looks, some choose to apply false lashes to even their bottom lash lines. It all depends on the effect you are going for. Do you want a fuller fringe overall or are you seeking to only play up the outer corners for a coy, doe-eyed look?

Use tweezers to take each individual lash cluster as you are about to attach it by the end that faces outwards. Dip the tip where the cluster meets into skin-safe adhesive or false-lash glue. Let a few seconds pass to allow glue to become tackier and more effective.

Look into mirror and press lash onto lash line right where you want it, which is always level with where your natural hairs grow. Remember, not on top nor below, but on the same level. Pick the sparsest regions to attach lashes to. If necessary, press lash more securely in place with the blunt end of your tweezers. Repeat until you have on all the fake lashes you plan on using. Don't worry about the adhesive if it appears white. It dries into a clear finish.

Go over areas that need to be retouched with the same eyeliner you used in the earlier stages of your eye makeup application. Run mascara gently through the tips of your lash clusters so they blend more naturally with your own lashes. You're all done!


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