Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to Be Beautiful

What comes to your mind when you think of beauty?: Countless aisles of foundation and mascara? Pencil thin models in magazines? The long haired blonde in a shampoo and conditioner advertisement? Or do more subtle simpler things manifest? You won't learn how to apply makeup here, but you will discover some real beauty secrets that not even Hollywood can master.

Never Compare: Each one of us is individual and complex in our own way for a reason. That is how we were made to be. So, what sense would it make to compare ourselves with the attributes of others? Know right now that you are unique.

Polish your character: Ever heard of some one having such an ugly soul that it transcends their outer appearance? That just goes to show how much of an impact our kind or terrible demeanor has on our physical aspects. Be loving and kind, have poise, be true to your self and have an over all positive out look.

Smile: It's been proven that people who smile and give off happy vibes attract more people. Make it a habit to smile, even if your day didn't start off so great. You'd be surprised how your facial expressions can rub off on your mood.

Have healthy habits: Since beauty is something that does in fact come from within, it's every part important to take care of your body. Eat nutritional foods, exercise and get adequate amounts of rest. The inner good you do for your self will show in the outer effortlessly.

Zero in on your talents: What are things that you do wonderfully and are good at? Focus and remember them every day. Knowing that you have special skills will do awesome things for your self esteem

Play up the things you love about You: Maximize all the things about your self (within and without) that you especially appreciate. Accentuate what they are, make them known to others around you.

Never criticize: There are always going to be an endless amount of people ready to throw every inch of criticism they have your way. Why should you be that one extra person? Love what you have and be thankful for all of your qualities. Love yourself eternally.


How to Be a Thrift Shop Diva

Do you love beautiful, unique couture clothing, but don't have the budget to shop the boutiques? Satisfy your fashion sense and save big at the same time by spending the afternoon at the thrift shops. With a little imagination and a few spare bucks, you can please your purse AND your inner Diva!

Find out where the moneyed people donate their clothes or consign them (which means they get a percentage of the sale). How? Read the listings in your actual or virtual Yellow Pages, and if you know your area, you'll know at a glance if the shop is worth a try by the neighborhood it's in. (This also applies to open-air thrift shopping: see Things You'll Need, above.) Exceptions are the big organizations that pick up donations all over the city--where I live, it's Disabled Veterans of America, Goodwill, and Salvation Army. You might have to paw through a lot of loser stuff at these giant stores, but there are also plenty of gems.

Map out a route of the places you'll be hitting, and confirm their hours: Some places are closed or have limited hours on certain days. Decide on the best day, and start out early enough to have an extra cup of coffee, use the bathroom, and otherwise make yourself comfortable before you start shopping. Use sunblock and sunglasses if you'll be outdoors a lot. Do bring water along to stay hydrated. Being thirsty can fatigue you and spoil the fun of the hunt.

I once read a tip from a savvy French Diva who wore a leotard, wrap-around skirt, and flats, and her long hair in a chignon, when she shopped the marvelous Parisian flea markets. She could "try on" anything anywhere without looking crazy or mussing her hair. It's a great suggestion if you plan to shop in open-air places. Even if you'll be indoors with private dressing areas, get your hair out of the way and wear easy-on-easy-off attire: the fewer buttons or zippers to deal with, the faster and better you can shop.

The reason you brought along a measuring tape is because you can't always try things on if you're shopping at open-air places. So, having noted your measurements (at least I have to...your memory may be better), you can tell if something will fit properly. Just lay the garment flat, measure the bust, waist, or hips across one side, and double the number to compare it to your own. Some women like things tight. Others want looseness. Measure a few garments you like to wear. What's the excess measurement (if any?). That's how you'll know what to look for. Note it down on your index card.
Shopping for a friend? See Tips, below.

Unlike retailers, thrift shops have no return policy! MAKE SURE IT'S GREAT ON YOU. Otherwise you'll just be throwing away money--and sister, when you start looking at the really good labels, they can cost you a pretty penny even at bargain prices. Be honest with yourself: Do you really have time to hem it? Will it still be a bargain if you have to pay for hemming? You really want to go on a diet just for a dress? Is that stain really not noticeable? Most women, including me, don't have time to embroider flowers over spots or patch on cute contrast fabric. (If you do--more power to you!) Make sure it fits well, looks well, and just plain "works" for you and your closet before you lay down your dough.

A downside of thrift-shopping is that it's hard to find bottom-half essentials--a black skirt, charcoal gray slacks, great-fitting jeans. Most women wear these cornerstones of their wardrobes until they wear them out. But bring your wish list, because you never know. In the meantime, keep a lookout for wonderful top-half garments that will coordinate well with essentials you have or you'll get. One way to make the most of thrift shops is to reverse the typical roles played by top and bottom halves: that is, make the top half neutral, and the bottom half colorful or patterned. You can walk out with wonderful outfits this way.

Unless you're really, really sure you can carry off a lavish hat, a six-foot skinny scarf, or a tribal-woven rug sweater...then leave it for the daring Divas. It's easy to blow a budget on impulses or add-ons that wind up being useless to you. At least, accessorize for an outfit you've already chosen--a scarf at the neck of the sweater, or a belt for the tunic dress. Then the accessory has a place and a purpose in your closet. Of course, I'm not talking about shoes or handbags. They work on their own, unless they're just bizarre. But maybe you it's fine!

I find this a good span of time between shopping days, to mark the change of seasons and bring a little spice into a tired, hard-working wardrobe. But that's just me--shop as little or as much as your budget allows, without becoming compulsive or hoarding. (I'll cover that in a future article!). Enjoy the adventure, and enjoy your cheap and classy finds. I know I do!
P.S. If this article has been helpful to you, please rate it using the stars above, and add a comment if you like. Thanks!


Avoid Looking Too Busty

If your oversized bust makes you feel self-conscious and out-of-proportion, there are ways to improve the situation. Here are methods I've found over the years to dress well with a big bust.

Start with the right foundation. If the breast is spilling out of the bra cup, it results in unwanted lumpiness and bulges. Fortunately now stores, even discount stores, offer more choices in D, F, and larger bra cups. There are lacy ones and basic ones, but try it on and stretch and move in the dressing room to be sure you don't fall out of it.

Take a look at minimizer bras. These redistribute the bust for a slight flattening effect.

Look for V-neck blouses rather than scoop or turtleneck. The vee line breaks up the expanse of cloth across the bust.

Avoid very tight, clingy tops and ones with extreme cleavage. Combined with a big bust, these unintentionally give the look of a hooker. Also avoid very shiny tops like satin which seem to magnify the curves.

A short sleeve broadens the shoulders and brings the bust more into proportion. Bare shoulders and tank tops don't provide that balance, so the bust looks even wider with those.

If there are buttons down the front, be sure the shirt is loose enough that the buttons won't pop out of the buttonhole at awkward moments. Keep a safety pin with you to pin inside a shirt with this problem.

Wearing an open top over a tank top provides vertical lines down the front. Use a contrasting color to get the best effect from this.

Of course, you already know not to wear horizontal strips. These draw the eye across, which emphasizes the width of the bust.

A scarf or long necklace can create a v-neck effect when wearing a plain top. Wearing a chunky necklace draws the focus to that rather than the expanse of the bust. Short, even choker style, is good.


avoid getting pimples

Are you sick of those annoying little pimples that seem to always pop up at the absolute worst times? You've spent all week getting ready for a date, a party or any special occasion. Then it happens! You wake up, look in the mirror and the dreaded pimple is staring you right in the face. You know there's no way to get rid of it so you just try to pile concealer over it and end up making it even more noticeable. The best way to deal with pimples is to stop them before they appear

Wash you face at least 2 times a day. YOu should be washing your face at least every morning when you wake up and every night before bed.I prefer a facial cleanser to soap only because soap can sometimes dry up your skin.
Never go to sleep withmake up on. I know we're all guilty of it. You go out partying with a full face of makeup. You get home exhausted and just throw yourself in bed and your makeup doesn't get washed off until you wake up. This is the absolute worse thing you can do. The makeup will clog your pores and easily cause pimples.
At least twice a week, after cleansing your face, you should use a facial exfoliant. This will help unclog pores and prevent any breakouts. Why do you need to exfoliate? No matter how many times you clean your face, there will always be some trace of dirt and oil that stays lodged in your pores.

Cure Your Acne And Avoid Acne Scars


Apply Sunless Tanning Lotions

With skin cancer rates on the rise, it has become a common practice of mine and many others to use sunless tanning products to create that gorgeous sunless glow. However, one of the keys to looking good, is knowing how to apply the product correctly. Here are a few tips to learn how to apply sunless tanning lotions with good results! Say bye-bye to streaks!

You will first want to prepare your skin for the application before applying sunless tanning lotion. This step involves using an exfoliator for the body. Exfoliating your skin will remove all the dead skin cells from the upper layers of your skin. This will allow for the product to sink into your skin and also work on new skin layers and not dead skin cells, giving you a better "glow".

Now that you have prepared your skin, you want to make sure it is fresh and clean. Follow up your exfoliating with a quick shower or bath and rinse well. Step out and pat skin dry. Don't rub because your skin is more delicate after exfoliating.

Body spone for applying sunless tanning products Read directions on your sunless tanning product. I will refer to this product as being in a lotion formula since most of them are. However, you can purchase other types of applications. Follow directions for your brand of sunless tanning product. For instance, some will say apply in sweeping directions. Another may say apply in circular motion. I have personally had more luck with applying in circular motion.

You may want to use a glove, mitt or sponge for applying product. This prevents the palms of your hands from becoming stained. Use smooth and even strokes when applying. Be sure to rub the product into your skin well and do not miss any areas of skin.

You will want to apply sunless tanning lotion very lightly or avoid entirely the elbows, knees and ankles. The skin is thicker here and it usually causes the sunless tanning product to appear very dark.

Allow the product to dry completely before dressing. This usually takes from 12-20 minutes depending on the brand of sunless tanning product. Dressing too soon can cause your clothing to stain. The same is true for applying sunless tanning lotion and then going to bed. Your bed linens can also become stained from some sunless tanning products.

If you did not use a mitt or glove for applying the sunless tanning product, wash your hands with soap and water to avoid any staining.
Reapply daily until you find the desired shade of sunless "glow" you are looking for. Then you will just have to maintain your sunless glow by applying sunless tanning lotion every 3-4 days. Enjoy your sunless glow!

How To Apply Sunless Tanning Lotion To Your Face

How To Apply Sunless Tanning Lotion To Legs


Apply Self Tanner to the Face

Lying out in the sun to get tanned is not healthy; consequently, people turn to self tanner to get achieve the same look. Most people do not know the proper technique to apply self tanner to their face. When self tanner is applied the wrong way, it can look streaky and orange. Proper application of self tanner will make your face look golden and as though you just came in from the sun.

Wet your face thoroughly and apply a face scrub to it. Gently rub the face scrub around your face in a circular motion. This will remove dead skin cells from your face that will make your self tanner look streaky.

Rinse the face scrub off of your face. Wash your face with a non scrub face wash. This step is important to make sure that all of the scrub is off of your face. If there is any left on your face when you apply your self tanner, it will prevent the tanner from going on smoothly.

Dry your face thoroughly. After your face is dry, you will need to put on the latex gloves. These gloves will protect your hands from the self tanner. Self tanner will stain your hands.

Squeeze a quarter size amount of self tanner into your right gloved hand. Rub your hands together to evenly coat both hands. Starting at your check bones, rub your hands in a gentle motion over all of the skin on your face. At this time it is important to get a single thin layer of self tanner worked into all of the skin.

Place more self tanner into the right gloved hand. Use two fingers from the left hand to apply a second layer of self tanner to your cheekbones and the top of your nose. There are the areas where you would naturally tan. Applying a second layer of self tanner in this area will mimic the authentic look of a tan.

Allow your face to dry completely before the skin touches anything.


Apply Powder and Stippling to Makeup

If you are looking for your makeup to last longer, then stippling your powder is going to give your makeup incredible lasting power. Many professional makeup artists have used this technique for years, but now the everyday women is learning that this technique can be easily executed at home.

Apply a thin layer of a liquid foundation that matches your skin color. Allow the foundation to dry completely before going to the second step.

Take your large brush and dip a couple of times into the loose powder. Tap the brush at least two times onto the lip of the powder to release the excess powder.

Starting at your forehead, stipple or dab the powder in small sections at a time.

Dip the brush into the loose powder, then tap off the excess and continue to stipple the powder onto your eyes so your eyeshadow will have more lasting power.

Dip the brush again into the loose powder and tap the excess off. Now begin to stipple the powder onto both of your cheeks an chin.

Rihanna Make Up Look | How to do Rihanna's Makeup


Friday, September 26, 2008

Apply Jane Iredale Makeup

Jane Iredale provides a wide variety of safe makeup that contains no talc or parabens. Even though mineral makeup may seem intimidating, it doesn't have to be. You can learn to apply Jane Iredale makeup in just a few steps, and before you know it you'll realize that it's quicker and easier than conventional makeup.

Using your favorite facial cleanser, wash and pat dry your face. Then follow with your regular moisturizer.

Apply a thin coat of either Absence (light) or Absence 2 (tan) over any areas that need it, such as oily areas or areas with larger pores.

Next, choose your favorite Jane Iredale pressed or loose powder. Which powder you use will tell you which brush you need. For Amazing Base you should use a chisel powder brush, for PurePressed you should use the Handi brush, and for Camouflage Powders use the flocked sponge.

Lightly dip the brush or sponge into the powder. If you are using a loose powder, then you will need to tap some powder into the lid, but if you are using a pressed powder then you can dip the brush in directly.

Apply the powder in a thin layer using light downward strokes. Do this over your entire face. Jane Iredale's powders are very concentrated, so a little bit will go a long way. If you have oilier skin you can now apply a thin dusting of the Pure Matte Finishing Powder by using the Handi brush.

You are finished with the base makeup and now you can add blush, bronzer, eyeshadow or any other extra color of your choice. When you are finished, if you have drier skin and need extra hydration you can use the D20 Hydration Spray by giving your face a quick spritz or two.

Jane Iredale MakeUp at SOURCE, Bangor


How to Apply Individual Lashes

With so many professional artists and glamorously made-up celebrities using them, false eyelashes may intimidate you. A great way to start wearing them is by trying individual lash clusters. They're not as heavy as the lash strip variety and definitely look more natural. The power to add drama is all in your hands. See for yourself as you attach as many as only you please.

Finish your eye makeup application. Curl lashes and apply mascara. Take out clumps with a lash comb.

Choose where you'd like to place the lashes. You can attach them to only the outer edges of your top lash line, to the middle of your top lash lines outwards or all throughout top lash lines. For fancier looks, some choose to apply false lashes to even their bottom lash lines. It all depends on the effect you are going for. Do you want a fuller fringe overall or are you seeking to only play up the outer corners for a coy, doe-eyed look?

Use tweezers to take each individual lash cluster as you are about to attach it by the end that faces outwards. Dip the tip where the cluster meets into skin-safe adhesive or false-lash glue. Let a few seconds pass to allow glue to become tackier and more effective.

Look into mirror and press lash onto lash line right where you want it, which is always level with where your natural hairs grow. Remember, not on top nor below, but on the same level. Pick the sparsest regions to attach lashes to. If necessary, press lash more securely in place with the blunt end of your tweezers. Repeat until you have on all the fake lashes you plan on using. Don't worry about the adhesive if it appears white. It dries into a clear finish.

Go over areas that need to be retouched with the same eyeliner you used in the earlier stages of your eye makeup application. Run mascara gently through the tips of your lash clusters so they blend more naturally with your own lashes. You're all done!


apply Individual False Eyelashes

A step-by-step guide for applying false eyelashes

The trick to applying false eyelashes is pratice and patience.
This is not something you want to try if you're in a hurry.

Gather your supplies and sit or stand in front of a well lit mirror.
First, take out the tray of individual lashes and open the tube of glue and put a small strip on a piece of tissue or paper.
Next, take your lash curler and gently curl your own lashes being careful not to crimp them.

Now, you are ready to take your tweezers and gently lift one of the lashes from the tray. Dip the knotted end in the white glue and carefully place the lash at the outer corner of your eye as if your laying it right on top of your lashes as close to the lid as you can without touching your lid. You can use your finger to gently push the lash in place. Repeat these steps working from the outer corner in.
Three to five lashes per eye should do the trick.

Now that your lashes are on, you can blend them in with your own by
adding a light coat of mascara.


Apply Hygienic Makeup

As creatures of habit, humans are sometimes challenged to break away from established routines. However, as a makeup artist, you will find yourself rewarded with clients impressed at your professionalism if you incorporate a higher standard of cleanliness into your practice.You owe it to the people who pay for your services to do the best job possible. Help your business and pocketbook further by allowing your cosmetics to stay fresher longer with these tips.

Wash or sanitize hands before any makeup job.

Use makeup brushes that you clean after each use instead of the applicator that comes packaged with the product. You can also avail of disposable makeup sponges and applicators, especially if you regularly give makeovers. Wash brushes with a mild soap after each makeover or have a brush cleanser handy if you are doing one after the other.

Avoid touching your client's face. If it is necessary to smudge or clean something off of your client's face, use cotton swabs, a blending brush or a makeup sponge depending on the need. The most direct contact you should allow is when applying eyeliner as close to the top lash line as possible; in this case, use one finger to gently lift your client's brow to give you better access to her lash line. Also, do not use your hand as a palette. You can purchase one at an art supply store.

Do not dip your brushes or applicators directly into the packaged product. Rather, with a clean spatula, scrape some product off into your palette, where you can repeatedly dip in for the use of the same individual. For makeup in a tube, such as mascara and lip gloss, use a disposable applicator and never double dip. If you think you need more than what you can pull out each time from a tube of lip gloss, scrape product to use off from the applicator so that you may dip the still-clean applicator back in the tube for more.

Prevent foreign objects and substances from touching the makeup still in the package. If you must combine or mix anything, do it on the palette. Also, when moistening makeup or activating products, never use saliva! Always use clean water for this purpose.

Replace and toss makeup regularly, particularly when the consistency and smell begin to change. Cosmetics can last a little longer than usual if you keep bacteria away through these hygienic practices.


How to Apply green mud mask

oily or dry skin needs some rejuvenation sometimes. So if you want some cleanses try applying mud mask. You can buy it in a drug store or cosmetic area in a supermarkets. It will absorbs in your pores and help take out some toxins or dirt in your face or skin

You can apply mud mask yourself or you let your friend to do for you or you can go to a spa or salon for your face mask application.

If you want to do it at home, make it sure your eyes are safe from the mud.

Let it soothe for a couple of minutes.

When you feel that your skin stretches and the green mud mask is dry then you might to wash it with a warm water.

Face masks have detail instructions included so take extra time to read and follow the tips.


Add Contour to Eye Makeup

To create more dimension on eyelids as well as to avoid a flat look, makeup artists use contouring. This adds shape and form to your eyes and gives you more of a reason to play with makeup. Proceed only if you are ready to give your eyes some extra enhancement!

Apply makeup primer onto clean lids. Press base eyeshadow color on from lash line to crease. This is the lightest shade on your current palette, and it serves as the backdrop for any contouring work you do.

The darkest color sideways "V" on eyelids Take an eyeshadow brush with a small, flat head and use it to press your darkest eyeshadow color into the outer edges of your top lids in a sideways "V" shape. Blend hard edges away so that your new contour color melds with your base shade. This is one way to do it. To try another way, proceed to Step 3.

Contouring right on the crease Press your darkest color with your flat-headed eyeshadow brush onto crease area to make it more definite. Join the outer end of crease color to the end of your top lash lines. Erase excess color with an eyeshadow blending brush, which you use by going over the area with windshield-wiper motions.

Finish the rest of your color eye makeup application in either case by smoothing a subtle highlighter onto brow bones and fading away noticeable edges in the product. This separates your brow bones from the other parts of your eye, just as contouring gives you more of a crease.

Clean up afterward by dabbing under-eye concealer on and patting into place. This doesn't just brighten up the eye area; it gets rid of fallout from your eyeshadow application.


Add Blue Tips to Platinum Hair

Achieving true platinum hair color is impressive in and of itself. Some people, however, want to take their unique style to the next level. Blue streaks and tips are gaining popularity as a bold hair trend, and will add more to your platinum hair. Read on to learn how to add blue tips to platinum hair.

Wash the hair, but do not condition. Conditioner coats the hair shaft, making it difficult for the dye to penetrate.

Towel the hair dry. Use a wide-tooth comb to fully de-tangle the hair from root to tip, paying special attention to the ends.

Wear an old T-shirt or drape an old towel over the shoulders before proceeding.

Squeeze the desired amount of blue dye into a plastic bowl. The amount used will vary depending on the length and amount of hair. However, not a great deal will be required if only the tips are being colored.

Separate a section of damp hair, using the fingers to isolate the amount of the tip that will be dyed. This is a matter of preference, but people usually go for about 2 or 3 inches.

Dip the end of the applicator brush (or the tips of the small comb) into the hair dye.

Comb or brush the dye evenly and thoroughly into the hair tip.

Repeat these steps until all of the tips are colored. If bangs will be included, be sure to apply petroleum jelly to the hairline to prevent stains on the forehead.

Allow at least 30 minutes for the dye to penetrate the hair. Keeping it in longer will not be harmful. In fact, many people leave the color in for at least an hour to achieve intense color.

Rinse the dye out of the hair until the water runs clear.

Dry and style the hair as usual.


Accentuate a Small Chest

If you haven't heard, accentuating a small chest has now usurped water bras and padding. While it's ok to give yourself a little lift, if you know what I mean, that doesn't mean you can't celebrate the beauty of a smaller chest size. Look here for quick tips.

Start accentuating your small chest by adding a little underwire and a bra with a molded cup. Why? Because people with small chests have the advantage of being able to do so without pain or discomfort. You don't have to rush out and buy a water bra, but you can add a little shapeliness without feeling like you're guilty of false advertising.

Next, highlight what you've got by wearing low cut v-neck style tops. You don't have to worry about cleavage popping out inappropriately, so you can plunge just about as low as you like. This style gives women with smaller breasts a sultry, clean look, rather than that over-the-top "too sexy for the parent-teacher meeting" look that it gives larger chested women.

When you can, drape your neck with long necklaces in multiple, streaming cascades. This brings the attention to your chest, rather than your neck, making breasts of any size look fantastic (especially under those v-neck tops mentioned earlier).

Consider adding a few boat neck style tops to your wardrobe. If you show a little skin on the shoulders, your look is broadened out (in a good way), giving off the illusion of more even proportions.

Finally, don't make the mistake of trying to "make up" for smaller breasts with miracle bras, creams, and whatever else may be on the market for those who want cosmetic surgery but can't afford it. Stars like Kate Hudson and Claire Danes have made smaller chests classy, sexy, and something to be envied. You can wear styles that larger chested women cannot. Be proud of your distinct look. Your confidence will be the number one key to pulling it off.


How to look thinner

Fashion choices can be key in making a thicker frame look 10 lbs thinner.

Avoid baggy clothes, they'll make you feel secure, but they'll also make you look like a bloated mess.

Vertical stripes all the way, baby. Horizontal stripes look bad on stick people.

Choose you're colors wisely, hold the base color in question up to your chin. If your face looks oddly patchy, blemishes stand out, you look sallow, red, or too pale, it's not the color for you. i.e. People with very pale skin should NOT wear anything wildly pink or cherry red.

Never wear a shirt or top that is long enough to cover your crotch. Trust me, it works.

Blacks and dark browns will instantly make you look thinner, just make sure not to overdo on any one color.

Don't mix patterns, it looks horrible. One patterned piece and the rest solid is a good thing.

Pay attention to the cuts of clothing that you get. Choose tops that aren't too low-cut and are a bit tighter at the waist than at the bottom. Now, I'm not talking about going crazy on the empire cuts, but choose a top with a little shape that's somewhat similar to your body's shape.

Ladies...only MEN should be wearing their pants below the gut. Pull your pants up to your waist. Unless you're Kate Moss, or just as thin, it is actually OK for your pants to cover your belly button with the jeans.

Make sure your underwear fits, nothing will make you look heavier than you are than to have your breasts spilling over the top of your bra, or your underwear clearly cutting your circulation off.

Be confident and love yourself. Believe it or not, people will look at you differently when you have confidence.


Thrift Store Shopping Tips

These thrift store shopping tips have been helpful to me and I hope they are helpful to you as well. I shop the thrift store because I enjoy staying at home with my children full time. Thrift stores enable me to dress my entire family very well and for less money. I find incredible deals on everything from dress shirts and slacks for my husband, name-brand clothes for my children, and jeans, shirts, blouses, and pants for myself as well. I've found winter jackets for each of us for as little as $10 and one even had the tags still attached. There are a few guidelines to remember when shopping the thrift store to ensure you get the best deal for your money. Just because you are shopping at a thrift store and aren't paying "full price" for an item doesn't mean it shouldn't be of good quality

To make the most of your time at the thrift store, it's best to make a list of the items and clothing sizes for which you are looking. That way, you won't be overwhelmed and forget what it was you came to find.

When I visit my thrift store, I check first thing to see if they have any specials listed for the day. One thrift store I frequent has a sign hanging from the ceiling in the front of the store and also somewhere in the back of the store that shows me which tags are 50% off that day. That's really helpful as I am looking through the racks.

Pick any section and begin looking. I tend to look for clothing items that appear to be a bit newer. Some thrift stores have name brand clothing that is in excellent condition on separate racks. I also look for the brand names that tend to be at the top end, as they are (most of the time) a higher quality, and will probably last longer.

Thrift stores will occasionally miss a rip or tear in a piece of clothing and place it on the rack. I always check items for rips, tears, holes, missing buttons, missing or sticky zippers, or discolorations. If it is torn somewhere other than on a seam, I will put it back on the rack. If it is missing a button, and they aren't ones that would be difficult to match, I usually keep it. Zippers aren't my thing, but if you are an excellent seamstress and feel the bargain just can't be overlooked, take the item home and replace the zipper.

My thrift store doesn't offer fitting rooms. If I am not sure that something will fit and it's more than a few dollars, I'll put it back. However, if I find something for a $1.00 or so and am unsure, I'll usually take it home. That decision really comes down to your personal preference. I have seen people try items on right over their clothes in the store. If you feel comfortable wearing a tighter fitting pair of shorts to the store, you can easily try on jeans, skirts, etc. right over them and get a good feel for whether or not the item will fit.

In the area of toys, the thrift store will remove the batteries prior to placing them on the shelves, so there's not really a way to tell if the item works or not. If it isn't too much for you, carry a few AA batteries with you and you can pop them in and check the toy while you're in the store.

Stuffed animals should have a red tag on them saying they have been specially cleaned. Without that tag, I won't even consider purchasing them. This thrift store shopping tip will save you bringing home germs!

Purchasing shoes from thrift stores can be tricky, but it's much easier to try those on before you make a decision. If you are trying on dress shoes, try to keep a pair of knee highs in your purse so you'll know if they fit well or not. I search for all leather shoes at the thrift stores because I know I'll pay a fraction of the cost there as opposed to purchasing them brand new. I once found a Land's End pair of sandals that were BRAND NEW and they were $5.00! I bought a pair of black leather slip on shoes nearly two years ago for $2.00 and they still look like new! Those prices just can't be beat!

Books and magazines are easily found in most thrift stores. If your children love to read, a thrift store is the place to buy books! Do you have cut and past projects for school? Magazines may run as little as 9 cents or as much as 25 cents each.

A quick note: the thrift stores I frequent refuse to sell any item that no longer has a price tag attached. Make sure there is a tag attached to each item you wish to take home.

Always wash everything you've purchased from the thrift stores before putting it into circulation! I even check purses and pockets to make sure there isn't anything lurking in there. We have a special sanitizing air purifier in our home and I will place items like purses and toys, etc. in one space and turn the sanitize feature on high to kill all of the germs.

Thrift stores are the ideal place to find items for crafty projects as well. Often times, these stores will bag together odd little items and sell them as a whole. Bags of ribbon, thread, beads, jewelry, odd books, etc. These can be great for adding to current craft projects or to create new ones for very little money.

Have FUN finding bargains!!


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