Saturday, September 27, 2008

Apply Self Tanner to the Face

Lying out in the sun to get tanned is not healthy; consequently, people turn to self tanner to get achieve the same look. Most people do not know the proper technique to apply self tanner to their face. When self tanner is applied the wrong way, it can look streaky and orange. Proper application of self tanner will make your face look golden and as though you just came in from the sun.

Wet your face thoroughly and apply a face scrub to it. Gently rub the face scrub around your face in a circular motion. This will remove dead skin cells from your face that will make your self tanner look streaky.

Rinse the face scrub off of your face. Wash your face with a non scrub face wash. This step is important to make sure that all of the scrub is off of your face. If there is any left on your face when you apply your self tanner, it will prevent the tanner from going on smoothly.

Dry your face thoroughly. After your face is dry, you will need to put on the latex gloves. These gloves will protect your hands from the self tanner. Self tanner will stain your hands.

Squeeze a quarter size amount of self tanner into your right gloved hand. Rub your hands together to evenly coat both hands. Starting at your check bones, rub your hands in a gentle motion over all of the skin on your face. At this time it is important to get a single thin layer of self tanner worked into all of the skin.

Place more self tanner into the right gloved hand. Use two fingers from the left hand to apply a second layer of self tanner to your cheekbones and the top of your nose. There are the areas where you would naturally tan. Applying a second layer of self tanner in this area will mimic the authentic look of a tan.

Allow your face to dry completely before the skin touches anything.


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