Saturday, September 27, 2008

avoid getting pimples

Are you sick of those annoying little pimples that seem to always pop up at the absolute worst times? You've spent all week getting ready for a date, a party or any special occasion. Then it happens! You wake up, look in the mirror and the dreaded pimple is staring you right in the face. You know there's no way to get rid of it so you just try to pile concealer over it and end up making it even more noticeable. The best way to deal with pimples is to stop them before they appear

Wash you face at least 2 times a day. YOu should be washing your face at least every morning when you wake up and every night before bed.I prefer a facial cleanser to soap only because soap can sometimes dry up your skin.
Never go to sleep withmake up on. I know we're all guilty of it. You go out partying with a full face of makeup. You get home exhausted and just throw yourself in bed and your makeup doesn't get washed off until you wake up. This is the absolute worse thing you can do. The makeup will clog your pores and easily cause pimples.
At least twice a week, after cleansing your face, you should use a facial exfoliant. This will help unclog pores and prevent any breakouts. Why do you need to exfoliate? No matter how many times you clean your face, there will always be some trace of dirt and oil that stays lodged in your pores.

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