Friday, October 17, 2008

Eat right for healthy hair

Great nutrition is the most effective way of getting awesome hair. Shiny, healthy hair is a reflection of a healthy body. Just like your body, your hair needs a balanced, nutritious diet to stay healthy. So follow this recipe for healthier hair, and see the difference.

WATER - Water makes up one-fourth of the weight of a strand of hair. Moisture makes the hair supple, so it is important to get plenty of fluids. The main thing to consider is not to wait till you are thirsty. If you're thirsty, it means your body has already lost more water than it should have, and it's urging you to fill up the tank. Water not only hydrates your body, but also keeps your hair silky and shiny. Approximately, eight to ten glasses of water a day is must.

PROTEIN - Protein is also very helpful for your hair, so there should be awfully a lot of protein in your diet. Protein will give the shaft of your hair more strength, and will reduce the hair split. You can get protein from foods like fish, meat, milk, cheese and cereals.

1) IRON - Iron helps to carry oxygen to the hair. Without enough iron, hair and its follicles get starved of oxygen. This means coarse and dry hair. You can increase your iron intake by eating red meat and dark green vegetables, or by iron supplements.

2)ZINC - Zinc builds hair protein which helps to prevent hair loss. Meat and seafood are the foods highest in zinc.

3)COPPER - Copper is involved in the pigmentation of hair. You can optimize your natural color with a diet with plenty of copper. Shellfish, liver, fresh vegetables, nuts, seeds and meat are all high in copper.


Vit A - Vitamin A will give you a healthy scalp, because it's great for the skin! You can get vitamin A from foods like vegetables - in particular, in carrots.

Vit B & C- Vitamin B and C are important for good circulation, hair growth and hair color. If you ensure that you have enough vitamin B and C, you'll have strong, supple strands of hair that do not split. You can get these vitamins from eating foods like fruit, vegetables, cereals, eggs, milk and bread.

Try these tipd and be sure to add a dose of daily exercise to keep that blood pumping… that add proper hair care on the surface! Go ahead! Try it!


Anonymous,  October 18, 2008 at 3:46 AM  

Pokój Tobie!

Pozdrawia Ciebie Z Warszawy Grześ życząc radosnych chwil.


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