Sunday, September 28, 2008

care for dry skin

Dry skin can be extremely uncomfortable and irritating. Winter months, especially, play a huge factor in creating dry skin. There are ways to care for it though and protect your skin from dryness.

Sometimes the air in our houses can be dried out. Use a humidifier to put more moisture in the air. You'll notice better results with your skin.

Drink more water. Water is great for your skin!

Avoid hot baths and showers. Hot water can dry out your skin like crazy. Try to take cooler baths.

Use moisturizer on your skin before going out into the elements. You will want to protect your skin as much as possible.

Use olive oil when bathing. A tablespoon will do.

Decrease your caffeine intake. Caffeine plays a huge factor in drying out your skin!!!

Always exfoliate your skin. In order to treat dry skin you must first remove the dry particles that are present.


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