Friday, October 17, 2008

Dress like Angelina Jolie

Looking like Angelina is hard. Dressing like Angelina is EASY! Angelina Jolie is one of the hottest actresses/Goodwill Ambassadors around! But her fashion style is easy to copy with my simple tips.

Angelina loves these three colors: black, gray and white. With that very basic color palette she manages to look astounding. It's all in the fit and quality of her items. Black skinny jeans and a tailored shirt. A soft gray cashmere sweater and white slacks. This is not your run of the mill wardrobe!

Remember Angie and Zahara's matching white Valentino handbags? How adorable. Another key element to the Angelina look is a beautiful, big functional handbag. She travels the world, she needs a bag that is up to the challenge with pockets and comfortable straps. Don't buy ten million crazy handbags (like I do, I'm bad) and opt for one leather bag in a neutral color that does the job of a million inferior bags.

Leather! Or as Stella from Project Runway would say "letha" is high on Angie's shopping list of clothes. Her wild look has tamed every so slightly (kids will do that to you) but she still rocks a fierce leather jacket and honestly who else can wear a black leather gown to an awards show but her?

Aviator shades. Again, her face is just made for these frames. When I want to feel like a bad ass, Brad Pitt loving peace keeper I throw on my own aviators and pretend Brad lent them to me too.

Angie's too cool to be uncomfortable. I usually only see her tetering in heels for movie rolls or awards shows. Besides that, she wears a lot of black ballet flats.


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