Thursday, October 23, 2008

Get Better Skin Without Buying Any Products

You can't get away from the television without someone trying to sell you products that is advertised as the fountain of youth. No matter how much "magic" these creams have, if you don't have the basic skin care rituals down it's just going to take longer for these potion lotions to work. So do yourself and your skin a huge favor

GET ENOUGH SLEEP - When you don't get accrue sleep it shows. So maybe you skipped one night, or skipped a couple hours of shut eye, those hours eventually add up. First your skin will just start to lose its luster and look dull. Then next is wrinkles, pimple and break outs, and your skin will become saggy.

REDUCE YOUR SUGAR INTAKE - I know chocolates are delicious. But imagine every little morsel of chocolate as a big zit on your nose. Try and reduce your sugar intake. Sugar inflames and messes with your natural collagen production.

WEAR HATS OR HAVE AN UMBRELLA HANDY - The sun is one of the most damaging things that can happen to your skin. You do need at least 15 minutes of sun exposure minimum on a daily, but don't go overboard and try and get a year's worth of sun in one day. It's best to wear a hat in conjunction with sunscreen, especially if you know you will be outdoors for an extended period of time.

WEAR SUNGLASSES - Ok this comes in handy when you don't have make-up and instantly you look sleek, but it also helps to shield your eyes and that sensitive skin area around your eyes. You know the crow's feet area! This area is so delicate, it is usually the first place to noticeably wrinkle.

AVOID SMOKING - You know what makes you look older faster than the harmful effects of the sun? Smoking! Speeding up that aging process even faster. You've seen those people inhaling those cigarettes and you guess their age. 45 you think and then they tell you they're 23! Just kidding, but not. Seriously this does horrendous things to your face.

BE PREPARED FOR WINDY OR COLD CLIMATES - These sort of climates dry out your skin, so be prepared with the proper clothing. If your skin starts drying, even simple moisturizers or lotions will help. My mom swears by Vaseline, just straight Vaseline, that yellowish clear tub. She has amazing skin! I wonder if she bathes in it when no one is home.

AVOID TANNING BOOTHS - Tanning booths are basically you baking your skin. It will take its toll, and you'll have nasty looking leathery seamen's skin if you continue to go to the tanning booths on a regular basis. Imagine baked chicken, can you unbake it? It takes a long time for our skin to undo that damage, if it ever does.

PINKIE PAT - If you do put anything on your face, the gentlest way it to pat it with your pinkie.

STOP RUBBING YOUR DIRTY GRUBBY PAWS ALL OVER YOUR FACE - I am so bad at this. When I'm shocked I slap my cheeks with my hands. I run my palms all along my face when I am exhausted. Like the pinkie pat, be gentle with your face. Our hands come in contacts with so much dirt and germs and we are just transferring it all over our absorbent face.

ICE ICE BABY - If you have puffy skin use cold. Cold naturally brings down puffiness. Ice or something cold against your face will help. Cucumbers have that effect, it soothes your eyes because it brings this refreshing cool sensation to your face. You can even get a cold washcloth to reduce swelling.

It's always nice not to pay for something, but if you do invest in expensive lotions or creams, make sure you also follow these tips, it will make your skin care routine even more effective. Remember products don't have to be expensive to work. Know your skin and what works well with it. You only have this one beautiful face. Don't assume buying products will miraculously fix things. Prevent bad skin before it starts!


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