Friday, September 26, 2008

Thrift Store Shopping Tips

These thrift store shopping tips have been helpful to me and I hope they are helpful to you as well. I shop the thrift store because I enjoy staying at home with my children full time. Thrift stores enable me to dress my entire family very well and for less money. I find incredible deals on everything from dress shirts and slacks for my husband, name-brand clothes for my children, and jeans, shirts, blouses, and pants for myself as well. I've found winter jackets for each of us for as little as $10 and one even had the tags still attached. There are a few guidelines to remember when shopping the thrift store to ensure you get the best deal for your money. Just because you are shopping at a thrift store and aren't paying "full price" for an item doesn't mean it shouldn't be of good quality

To make the most of your time at the thrift store, it's best to make a list of the items and clothing sizes for which you are looking. That way, you won't be overwhelmed and forget what it was you came to find.

When I visit my thrift store, I check first thing to see if they have any specials listed for the day. One thrift store I frequent has a sign hanging from the ceiling in the front of the store and also somewhere in the back of the store that shows me which tags are 50% off that day. That's really helpful as I am looking through the racks.

Pick any section and begin looking. I tend to look for clothing items that appear to be a bit newer. Some thrift stores have name brand clothing that is in excellent condition on separate racks. I also look for the brand names that tend to be at the top end, as they are (most of the time) a higher quality, and will probably last longer.

Thrift stores will occasionally miss a rip or tear in a piece of clothing and place it on the rack. I always check items for rips, tears, holes, missing buttons, missing or sticky zippers, or discolorations. If it is torn somewhere other than on a seam, I will put it back on the rack. If it is missing a button, and they aren't ones that would be difficult to match, I usually keep it. Zippers aren't my thing, but if you are an excellent seamstress and feel the bargain just can't be overlooked, take the item home and replace the zipper.

My thrift store doesn't offer fitting rooms. If I am not sure that something will fit and it's more than a few dollars, I'll put it back. However, if I find something for a $1.00 or so and am unsure, I'll usually take it home. That decision really comes down to your personal preference. I have seen people try items on right over their clothes in the store. If you feel comfortable wearing a tighter fitting pair of shorts to the store, you can easily try on jeans, skirts, etc. right over them and get a good feel for whether or not the item will fit.

In the area of toys, the thrift store will remove the batteries prior to placing them on the shelves, so there's not really a way to tell if the item works or not. If it isn't too much for you, carry a few AA batteries with you and you can pop them in and check the toy while you're in the store.

Stuffed animals should have a red tag on them saying they have been specially cleaned. Without that tag, I won't even consider purchasing them. This thrift store shopping tip will save you bringing home germs!

Purchasing shoes from thrift stores can be tricky, but it's much easier to try those on before you make a decision. If you are trying on dress shoes, try to keep a pair of knee highs in your purse so you'll know if they fit well or not. I search for all leather shoes at the thrift stores because I know I'll pay a fraction of the cost there as opposed to purchasing them brand new. I once found a Land's End pair of sandals that were BRAND NEW and they were $5.00! I bought a pair of black leather slip on shoes nearly two years ago for $2.00 and they still look like new! Those prices just can't be beat!

Books and magazines are easily found in most thrift stores. If your children love to read, a thrift store is the place to buy books! Do you have cut and past projects for school? Magazines may run as little as 9 cents or as much as 25 cents each.

A quick note: the thrift stores I frequent refuse to sell any item that no longer has a price tag attached. Make sure there is a tag attached to each item you wish to take home.

Always wash everything you've purchased from the thrift stores before putting it into circulation! I even check purses and pockets to make sure there isn't anything lurking in there. We have a special sanitizing air purifier in our home and I will place items like purses and toys, etc. in one space and turn the sanitize feature on high to kill all of the germs.

Thrift stores are the ideal place to find items for crafty projects as well. Often times, these stores will bag together odd little items and sell them as a whole. Bags of ribbon, thread, beads, jewelry, odd books, etc. These can be great for adding to current craft projects or to create new ones for very little money.

Have FUN finding bargains!!


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