Friday, September 26, 2008

Add Blue Tips to Platinum Hair

Achieving true platinum hair color is impressive in and of itself. Some people, however, want to take their unique style to the next level. Blue streaks and tips are gaining popularity as a bold hair trend, and will add more to your platinum hair. Read on to learn how to add blue tips to platinum hair.

Wash the hair, but do not condition. Conditioner coats the hair shaft, making it difficult for the dye to penetrate.

Towel the hair dry. Use a wide-tooth comb to fully de-tangle the hair from root to tip, paying special attention to the ends.

Wear an old T-shirt or drape an old towel over the shoulders before proceeding.

Squeeze the desired amount of blue dye into a plastic bowl. The amount used will vary depending on the length and amount of hair. However, not a great deal will be required if only the tips are being colored.

Separate a section of damp hair, using the fingers to isolate the amount of the tip that will be dyed. This is a matter of preference, but people usually go for about 2 or 3 inches.

Dip the end of the applicator brush (or the tips of the small comb) into the hair dye.

Comb or brush the dye evenly and thoroughly into the hair tip.

Repeat these steps until all of the tips are colored. If bangs will be included, be sure to apply petroleum jelly to the hairline to prevent stains on the forehead.

Allow at least 30 minutes for the dye to penetrate the hair. Keeping it in longer will not be harmful. In fact, many people leave the color in for at least an hour to achieve intense color.

Rinse the dye out of the hair until the water runs clear.

Dry and style the hair as usual.


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