Friday, September 26, 2008

How to look thinner

Fashion choices can be key in making a thicker frame look 10 lbs thinner.

Avoid baggy clothes, they'll make you feel secure, but they'll also make you look like a bloated mess.

Vertical stripes all the way, baby. Horizontal stripes look bad on stick people.

Choose you're colors wisely, hold the base color in question up to your chin. If your face looks oddly patchy, blemishes stand out, you look sallow, red, or too pale, it's not the color for you. i.e. People with very pale skin should NOT wear anything wildly pink or cherry red.

Never wear a shirt or top that is long enough to cover your crotch. Trust me, it works.

Blacks and dark browns will instantly make you look thinner, just make sure not to overdo on any one color.

Don't mix patterns, it looks horrible. One patterned piece and the rest solid is a good thing.

Pay attention to the cuts of clothing that you get. Choose tops that aren't too low-cut and are a bit tighter at the waist than at the bottom. Now, I'm not talking about going crazy on the empire cuts, but choose a top with a little shape that's somewhat similar to your body's shape.

Ladies...only MEN should be wearing their pants below the gut. Pull your pants up to your waist. Unless you're Kate Moss, or just as thin, it is actually OK for your pants to cover your belly button with the jeans.

Make sure your underwear fits, nothing will make you look heavier than you are than to have your breasts spilling over the top of your bra, or your underwear clearly cutting your circulation off.

Be confident and love yourself. Believe it or not, people will look at you differently when you have confidence.


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