Friday, September 26, 2008

apply Individual False Eyelashes

A step-by-step guide for applying false eyelashes

The trick to applying false eyelashes is pratice and patience.
This is not something you want to try if you're in a hurry.

Gather your supplies and sit or stand in front of a well lit mirror.
First, take out the tray of individual lashes and open the tube of glue and put a small strip on a piece of tissue or paper.
Next, take your lash curler and gently curl your own lashes being careful not to crimp them.

Now, you are ready to take your tweezers and gently lift one of the lashes from the tray. Dip the knotted end in the white glue and carefully place the lash at the outer corner of your eye as if your laying it right on top of your lashes as close to the lid as you can without touching your lid. You can use your finger to gently push the lash in place. Repeat these steps working from the outer corner in.
Three to five lashes per eye should do the trick.

Now that your lashes are on, you can blend them in with your own by
adding a light coat of mascara.


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